As a full time Melbourne marriage Celebrant, I’ve declared hundreds of lovers “Husband & Wife,"
However, my primary goal in joining the wedding industry was to be a part of the #marriageequality movement in Australia.
You see, I grew up in a family where both of my parents are gay... (Long story! Want to grab a drink & chat?) As such, I very much see myself as part of the Queer Community.

I couldn't wait to be a part of bringing all couples together. Thankfully, on the 7th December 2017, after a nation-wide postal vote, legislation was passed to allow any two people wanting to tie the knot in Australia have the right to do so. Amen.

I married Sarah & Kasey surrounded by all their family and friends
So What Do I Pronounce YOU?
Which brings me to my point - the marriage ceremony! In order to conduct a legal marriage in Australia, there are just 118 words, (I just counted) that must be said by the celebrant and the parties getting married. These are: The Monitum & The Legal Vows. Everything else is just icing on the (wedding) cake.
Naturally, a great celebrant should ensure these words reflect you both in every way, make you laugh and cry in the right places and leave your guests on a high, ready for the Festival of (your) Love to follow.
My favourite part of creating a wedding is finding out every last detail about my couples and what has brought them to the moment where they're making vows to last a lifetime.
Angela & Lisa's ceremony was emotional and finished on a high
Photos by Rom Anthonis
Declaration of Marriage
If you wish to conclude your ceremony with a 'Declaration of Marriage," here are some suggestions that have worked at some of my ceremonies in the past:
Celebrant: "By the love that has brought you here today and by the vows you have pledged, it is my great honour to now pronounce you…
Duly Married
Wife & Wife
Husband & Husband
Spouse & Spouse
Wifey & Wifey
Married at Last
Partners for Life
Partners in Crime
I now present to you, the newly married (Name & Name)
I now present to you the newest married couple in Australia!
If you have any more to add to my list, I would love to hear from you HERE!
I loved telling Michael & Will's story to their family
Photos by LJM Photography
One Last Thing....
I celebrate life at every stage.
As Co-Founder & Head of Memorials at Tomorrow Funerals, I am passionate about advocating for LGBTIA acceptance and equality within the funeral industry, which in itself is generally fairly old fashioned. In fact, we believe a fundamental change in the Australian funeral industry is long overdue – it is this belief that has inspired our unique cremation & memorial only package.
Find out more about my approach to queer friendly funerals here.

Kate Morgan is a Melbourne Celebrant & Advocate for Marriage Equality
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